





construction progress graphic showing school Open


a site plan drawing showing the campus and where the addition
Project site plan showing work area and addition
a construction site with wood frames around concrete
混凝土基础- 9月. 2021
wood forms with rebar inside at a construction project
Forms and rebar ready for stem wall concrete – Oct. 2021
concrete is being pumped into framing with workers guiding the nozzle
First pump delivery of concrete for slab-on-grade for addition – Nov. 2021
a structural steel framework has a top beam with a flag and an evergreen tree
Last beam placed to top out steel erection on Nov. 19, 2021
a steel frame has braces and metal decking above a concrete floor
Structural steel and steel floor bracing in place with metal decking installed – Dec. 2021
a concrete frame lined with black with a steel framework in the background
Bioretention planter on west side of new addition – Dec. 2021
一楼洗手间墙砖- 2022年6月
在建的建筑物 shows steel wall supports within a structural steel frame
Exterior metal stud framing continues around the building, and the roof metal deck installation is complete – Jan. 2022
a concrete floor with a framed corner wall and a metal ceiling
框架窗开口- 1月. 2022
a framed floor with a grid on it has a hole in that has two edges for a stairway going down
主楼梯钢结构安装- Jan. 2022
a view looking up at a 2 story building under construction
Metal stud wall installation view from sidewalk – Jan. 2022
aerial view directly over 在建的建筑物 showing a narrow connection to the existing building, 在图像的顶部有一条路, 左边有个停车场
增加项目鸟瞰图- 1月. 2022
interior of 在建的建筑物 with steel stud framing and steel brace frames
Interior wall framing with brace frames between classrooms – Feb. 2022
a concrete ramp on 在建的建筑物
Floor 2 connection ramp to existing building courtyard – Feb. 2022
Exterior metal stud framing where addition connects to existing building – Feb. 2022
a concrete stairway on one level with a wood stairway on the next level down
预制混凝土楼梯安装- 3月. 2022
a stair under construction with fresh poured concrete below it
安装电梯驾驶室- 2022年4月
山上的一栋两层楼的建筑. 它是橘色的
Waterproofing membrane installed on north side of new addition, May 2022
two people working on large platforms by some stairs
Trimming out the wood for the under-stair seating on the floor 1, May 2022
Installation of flat metal panels on south side of new addition, May 2022
First floor science classroom window, May 2022
Bulldog school mascot graphic on stairway – June 2022
山上的一栋两层楼的建筑 -- half gray, half orange
Metal panels installed on one part of addition – June 2022
exterior of a two story brick and metal clad building
North side of the new classroom addition – Aug. 2022
a brick and metal clas building with a concrete planter
Bioretention planter on west side of new addition – Aug. 2022
plywood tempoary stairs with railings and acoutical panels
Stair guardrail panels and acoustic panels looking down from floor 2 – Aug. 2022
Second floor classroom with cabinetry and carpet installed – Aug. 2022
Second floor hallway looking north toward top of stairs – Aug. 2022
Bench seating on the landing to the second floor exit to the courtyard -Aug. 2022
院子里的透水混凝土- 9月. 2022
plants in pots sit on top of soil in front of a brick building
Courtyard landscaping in process on south side of addition – Sept. 2022
fresh concrete poured for exterior stairs in front of a brick building
New concrete stairs lead to existing building – Sept. 2022
an asphalt parking lot with framing next to it for a shelter
Newly paved and striped north parking lot with bike shelter – Sept. 2022
First floor hallway connection between existing and new addition – Sept. 2022
Stairway and handrails looking up in new addition – Sept. 2022
Landscaping on northeast side of addition – Oct. 2022
a brick building with a garden has dirt sprayed with greenish gray material
在加入物附近安装水籽- 10月. 2022
a fenced in space with bike racks inside and plants on outside
New bike shelter and fencing with new landscaping – Oct. 2022
a field and track has portables in one corner and green-gray material on dirt
Hydroseeded field area where laydown area was for construction – Oct. 2022


新的12,500平方英尺, two-story addition on the north side of the school includes six new general classrooms, 两个新的科学教室, 学习支持空间. All classrooms have large windows to allow natural light into the rooms. The addition relieves overcrowding and provides resources that students need for academic success.

After construction, all portable classrooms were removed from the school grounds.

学校的设计: Meng Strazzara工作室

建设: 福马建设

项目预算: $10.5M

资金来源: Funded by State of 华盛顿 Distressed 学校 Grant and the BEX V Capital Levy approved by voters in 2019.


The 学校设计谘询小组 (SDAT) met virtually because of the pandemic. Information about SDAT and meeting minutes are posted.

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